Medicinal Herb CSA
As a Medicinal Herb CSA member you will receive an array of freshly harvested medicinal and culinary herbs once a month, from July-November.* This offering is perfect for community herbalist, home apothecary enthusiasts and anyone looking to deepen their relationship with herbal medicine in all its forms. Your membership includes:
5-6 bundles of fresh herbs every month
Special edition herb zines for each month with herb info, recipes, and more
Access to monthly virtual medicine making circles
*distribution dates are based on CSA option you select, see options below.
Sliding Scale Full Season Membership: $0*-$500
*Free solidarity shares for queer, trans, Black, Indigenous and people of color (QTBIPOC) experiencing financial hardship
CSA is an abbreviation of Community Supported Agriculture. A marketing structure that connects small-scale farmers directly to consumers. The origins of this model can be traced back to Dr. Booker T. Whatley, a Black horticulturist, author and professor at Tuskegee University in the 1970s who used “Clientele Membership Clubs” to help Black southern farmers thrive amidst racist agricultural policies . In this model, members buy “shares” of the harvest in the beginning of the season which support the farmer in having initial income to pay for supplies and labor costs. In return, consumers receive their harvest “shares” throughout the season.
The CSA shares include a variety of herbs harvested at peak potency for your medicine making needs. We aim to include enough herbs to make about 32oz of extractions using fresh herbs which is enough for small batch herbal formulas. In some cases, we may include extra herbs for you to be able to dry and store. Here is a sample of herbs that may be included in your monthly share:
July: chamomile, calendula, za’atar, tulsi, anise hyssop
August: huacatay, epazote, spilanthes, tulsi, spearmint
September: goldenrod, thyme, peppermint, feverfew, lemon balm
October: garlic, marigolds, rue, sage, catmint
November: valerian root, marshmallow root, echinacea root
The sliding scale payment model is a way to make participation financially accessible regardless of income while also ensuring we are able to cover basic operational costs including labor involved in growing and tending to the farm. Here is a more in depth explanation of how this model emerged and how it is used to ensure financial accessibility. We invite you to consider what your personal access to wealth is and if this is an opportunity to pay-it forward.
Consider paying more if:
• Own property, or have personal savings/disposable income and do not generally worry about securing necessities.
• You work part-time by choice.
• You travel recreationally.
• You can access family money in times of need.
• You have investments.
• You have received higher education that confers greater earning power.
• You don’t spend most of your time thinking about meeting basic needs such as food, shelter, medical care, childcare, etc
Consider paying less if:
• You struggle to maintain access to basic needs such as healthcare, housing, food, and childcare.
• You live paycheck to paycheck without consistent income/relief
• You are struggling to pay off debt
• You are a single parent or guardian
• You have been incarcerated and targeted by police violence
Thank you to Brooklyn Packers for providing some of this language to describe access to wealth + resources
Sliding scale range:
$125 - 50% discount on CSA share
$250 - true cost of CSA share
$375 - covers 1 true cost share and 1 discounted share
$500 - covers 2 true cost shares
As a queer and trans led herb farm, it is our mission to ensure our queer and trans siblings have access to gender affirming care in times of state sanctioned violence against our lives. We know that the added pressures of racism, ableism and capitalism compound the violence we experience day to day. So this is our love letter to QTBIPOC folks who are looking for a respite supported by plant medicine.
Thanks to the support of the Trans Justice Funding Project we are able to offer 25 FREE solidarity shares for queer, trans, Black, Indigenous and people of color experiencing financial hardship.
If you do not identify as QTBIPOC but need different payment options please email amara@ayniherbfarm.com, we can arrange for payment plans or work-trade options.
If you select Brooklyn Pick Up, all shares must be picked up at Brooklyn Supported Agriculture on the following Thursdays from 4-6pm
Thursday July 11, 2024 - 4-6pm
Thursday August 8, 2024 - 4-6pm
Thursday September 12, 2024 - 4-6pm
Thursday October 10, 2024 - 4-6pm
Thursday November 7, 2024 - 4-6pm
Pick up address: 224 Marcus Garvey Blvd, Brooklyn, NY 11221 (map)
No late pick up available at this site. Shares that are not picked up by Thursday 6pm will be donated.
If you select Hudson Pick Up, all shares must be picked up at Little Rico on the following dates:
Saturday, July 13, 2024 - 10am-4pm
Saturday, August 10, 2024- 10am-4pm
Saturday, September 14, 2024 - 10am-4pm
Saturday, October 12, 2024 - 10am-4pm
Saturday, November 9, 2024- 10am-4pm
Address: 437 Warren St, Hudson, NY 12534
Late pick up available on Sundays 8am-4pm. All shares that are not picked up by Sunday afternoon will be donated.
If you select Manhattan Pick Up, all shares must be picked up at Word Up Community Bookshop on the following Tuesdays from 4-7:30pm
Tuesday July 9, 2024 - 4-7:30pm
Tuesday August 6, 2024 - 4-7:30pm
Tuesday September 10, 2024 - 4-7:30pm
Tuesday October 8, 2024 - 4-7:30pm
Tuesday November 5, 2024 - 4:7:30pm
Pick up address: 2113 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY 10032 (map)
No late pick up available at this site. Shares that are not picked up by Tuesday 7:30pm will be donated.
If you select Troy Pick Up, all shares must be picked up at the Yesfolk Tasting Room on the following dates:
Saturday, July 13, 2024 - 11am-5pm
Saturday, August 10, 2024- 11am-5pm
Saturday, September 14, 2024 - 11am-5pm
Saturday, October 12, 2024 - 11am-5pm
Saturday, November 9, 2024- 11am-5pm
Address: 1467 5th Ave, Troy, NY 12180 (map)
Late pick up available Sunday 11am-5pm. All shares that are not picked up by Sunday afternoon will be donated.
Because we partner with various businesses and organizations that have various schedules and staffitg needs, we are not always able to accommodate late pick ups or make up dates for missed pick ups.
Shares that are not picked up will be donated.
If you are unable to pick up, you can send someone else to pick up for you or let us know ahead of time by emailing amara@ayniherbfarm.com
Join us virtually each month to commune with your fellow CSA community members. This will be a space for us to get to know one another, learn about the plants in each share, share stories, and exchange knowledge we all may hold about the CSA plants of the month. This space will shift month to month as group needs and desires around the space shift.
We do accept payment plans here is how it works:
50% deposit due upon registration
Remainder due before June 30
Register online and use discount code: PAYMENTPLAN during check out
For the remaining balance, you can send a check (preferred to minimize transaction fees) or Venmo @ayniherbfarm
Check can be made out to Ayni Herb Farm and mailed to 1989 county route 11 Hillsdale NY 12529
We are open to worktrade options for anyone looking to support with farm work in exchange for a CSA share. Activities include: weeding, planting, harvesting, event support, etc. Minimum commitment would be 16 hours throughout June-November. email amara@ayniherbfarm.com if you are interested in this option.